Keynote Speaker

Katherine A. Cashell - Professor of Structural Engineering, University College, United Kingdom
Katherine A. Cashell has worked as a Structural Engineer for over 20 years in a variety of roles including design
consultancy, specialist member-based advisory and academia. She is currently a full Professor of Structural
Engineering in the Department of Civil, Environmental & Geomatic Engineering (CEGE) at University College
London (UCL) and is also a Chartered Engineer (CEng) and a Fellow of both the Institution of Structural
Engineers (FIStructE) and the Institution of Civil Engineers (FICE). Prior to joining UCL in November 2022,
Katherine worked as a Reader in Structural Engineering at Brunel University London (2012-2022), a Senior
Structural Engineer at the Steel Construction Institute (2010-2012) and a Senior Engineer at High Point
Rendel Ltd (2009-2010). Prior to this, she was a Research Assistant at Imperial College London.
At UCL, Katherine leads a very active research group, and is also the Director of Studies for the Department of Civil, Environmental & Geomatic Engineering. She is engaged in teaching at both undergraduate and postgraduate level. Her principal research interests lie in the area of structural testing, numerical modelling and the development of efficient design guidance for steel and composite structures. In particular, she has developed an expertise in the analysis of structural response during extreme loading conditions, such as a fire. She is also actively engaged in researching the use of novel materials such as stainless steel, high strength steel and FRP’s in building and infrastructural applications. She has been principal investigator for various research projects, including a current £2m project looking at strategic use of stainless steel for more resilient steel structures.
Katherine has served on a number of panels and committee’s at the IStructE, including the Education Committee (2019-current, including a term as Chair in 2020), and was also a member of Council from 2020-2022. She is a Board member of the Joint Board of Moderators (JBM), representing both IStructE and ICE.

Leroy Gardner - Professor of Structural Engineering, Imperial College, United Kingdom
Leroy Gardner is Professor and Head of Structural Engineering at Imperial College London and Fellow of the Royal Academy of Engineering. He is engaged in teaching at both undergraduate and postgraduate level, industry training, specialist advisory work and leading an active research group in structural engineering.
Prof. Gardner’s principal research interests relate to the testing, simulation, analysis, design and construction of steel structures, on which he has co-authored 4 textbooks, 7 book chapters and over 500 technical papers. He is Editor-in-Chief of two international journals and serves on a number of ISO, European and US code committees. Prof. Gardner was awarded the IABSE prize in 2017 and the ASCE Shortridge Hardesty Award in 2021.

Helena Gervásio - Associate Professor at the Department of Civil Engineering of the University of Coimbra, Portugal
Helena Gervasio has a PhD in Civil Engineering from the University of Coimbra and is an integrated member of
Institute for Sustainability and Innovation in Structural Engineering (ISISE). She is an Associate Professor
at the
Department of Civil Engineering of the University of Coimbra.
Over the last 15 years, her research activities have focused on the sustainability of construction works and on the
development of methods and tools to strive for a more sustainable society. Her research interests include, among others,
Life Cycle Analysis of structures, Resource Efficiency and Circular Economy, Climate change mitigation and adaptation
strategies, and Decarbonization of the built environment.
She is the Chairperson of the Portuguese Technical Committee CT171, mirror group of CEN/TC350 – Sustainability of
Constructions, an expert member in CEN TC350/WG6 “Engineering civil works”, member of Technical Committee TC14 –
“Sustainability and Eco-Efficiency of Steel construction” of the European Commission for Coal and Steel (ECCS), and
member of the iiSBE Organization – “International Initiative for a Sustainable Built Environment”, among others. In
addition, she is an Expert Advisor for the European Commission Technical group “Steel Applications for New Markets”
(Mandate 2023-2028, future low emission industries).
She is responsible for several international and national research projects, and author of about 150 publications in
peer-reviewed journals, international and national conferences.

Daniel G. Linzell - Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln (UNL), United State
Dr. Daniel G. Linzell, P.E., F.ASCE, F.SEI is the Associate Dean for Graduate and International Programs and
the Leslie
D. Martin Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln (UNL). He
is currently
on loan to the National Science Foundation where he is Directing the Division of Civil, Mechanical and
Innovation (CMMI) in the Directorate for Engineering (ENG). CMMI’s annual budget is over $230M US and the
Division is
charged with advancing the future of manufacturing, the design of innovative materials and building
infrastructure resilience and sustainability, and tools and systems for decision-making, robotics and
From August of 2013 to September of 2018, Dr. Linzell was the Voelte-Keegan Professor and Chair of UNLs Department of
Civil Engineering. He was an Assistant, Associate and the inaugural John A. and Harriette K. Shaw Professor of Civil
Engineering at the Pennsylvania State University from 1999-2013.
The emphasis of Dr. Linzell’s research is structural engineering, with specific foci including response of building and
bridge systems to extreme loads, specifically blast and impact; structural health monitoring; steel structures; the
design and behavior of bridges during construction and under service loads; and advanced structural analysis. His
research group has published over 100 peer-reviewed, archival journal articles and refereed conference papers and
abstracts. He teaches courses in bridge engineering, steel design, structural analysis, infrastructure resiliency, and
structural health monitoring.
Dr. Linzell is the immediate Past Chair of the Structural Stability Research Council; co-Chairs the American Society of
Civil Engineer’s Structural Engineering Institute (SEI) Education and Leadership Committee (ELC); is a member of ASCEs
Committee on Education and a member of the Society’s Collaborative Innovation Team; sits on SEIs Futures Fund Board of
Directors and is a member of their Advisory Council. He is a Fellow of ASCE and SEI and received SEIs President Award in
2023. Dr. Linzell licensed Professional Engineer in Georgia, Nebraska, and Pennsylvania.

Kim Rasmussen - MScEng, PhD, DEng, Professor in the School of Civil Engineering at the University of Sydney, Australia
Dr. Kim Rasmussen is full Professor in the School of Civil Engineering at the University of Sydney.
His current research activities involve the testing, analysis and design of built-up cold-formed steel structures, 3D
printed steel structures, modular structures, fracture of steel structures and reuse of structural components.
Kim Rasmussen has made numerous contributions to the fields of structural analysis, reliability and design, including
steel structures, cold-formed steel structures, stainless steel structures, rack structures and aluminium structures. He
has published 480 scientific papers and is a regular keynote speaker at all main conferences on steel structures.
Kim Rasmussen is a member of the editorial boards of numerous journals. He also chairs or is a member of numerous
national and international standards committees related to steel, stainless steel and aluminium structures. He
contributes to these structural design standards through his research.

Belén Riveiro - Applied Geotechnologies Research Group, Universidade de Vigo, Spain
Belén Riveiro is an Associate Professor at the University of Vigo (UVigo). She has been Associate Professor at Newcastle
University (UK) in 2011, until she joint the UVigo in 2012.
Her research focuses on the field of infrastructure
resilience, where she integrates different disciplines such as structural engineering, geomatics, artificial
intelligence, and automation in construction. Since 2012, she collaborates with some of the most recognized researchers
in her field, thanks to stays she has carried out at universities such as the University of Minho, the University of
Cambridge, and Delft University of Technology, among others. These collaborations led to her participation and
leadership in national and international collaborative projects (with funding as the principal investigator exceeding
€5,5 million). As a result, she has published more than 150 peer-reviewed publications, has served as officer in
international associations such as ISPRS (2016-2022), EG-ICE (since 2024) and she has participated in the organization
of several international workshops and conferences in the photogrammetric and civil engineering domains. Belén Riveiro
is the Editor in Chief of The Photogrammetric Record and is part of the Editorial Board of Infrastructures.
Along her
career, Belén has received numerous awards, being specially relevant the “National Research Award Matilde Ucelay 2022",
delivered by TM the Kings of Spain, which represents the greatest recognition of research career in the field of
Engineering and Architecture for young researchers in Spain.